Monday 12 May 2014

Configuring a new Windows Machine

Today I learnt a new way to configure a new Windows machine: with a PowerShell package manager. A bit like like YUM for Windows! All thanks to As a side-note, this package manager, although currently third-party, will be built into Windows itself fairly soon, via One-Get in Powershell v5.

This assumes you have Powershell >= 3 installed already.

Into a cmd Window:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin

And into a PowerShell Window, some useful stuff:
cinst notepadplusplus.install
cinst Firefox
cinst GoogleChrome
cinst 7zip
cinst flashplayeractivex
cinst flashplayerplugin
cinst putty
cinst sysinternals
cinst procexp

cinst sublimetext2
cinst curl
cinst Wget
cinst winmerge
cinst wireshark

Remove Windows 8 Default CrApps:

And a bonus Windows 8 tidbit that I made up on my very own: how to remove a lot of crappy apps shipped by default with Windows 8.1 (and maybe in 8.0) in PowerShell:

$CrappyApps = @("Microsoft.BingFinance ","Microsoft.BingFoodAndDrink",`

$CrappyApps | % { Get-AppxPackage -Name $_ | Remove-AppxPackage 2>&1 | Out-Null }

Note, the above few commands haven't been run in production - I ran each Get|Remove command individually on my own machine, and then arrayified it all for this post, so there may be an error lurking in there.


  1. Hmm... Don't know about comparing it to YUM. Probably more like winetricks or maybe cygwin since they maintain their own packages.

    1. Yeah, maybe I was a bit overexcited in the yum comparison. I was just happy to have an easy way of installing stuff on Windows with a copy&paste command line (I have used so many hundreds of Windows servers, each time wishing that notepad++ and pstools were Just There at my fingertips).
