Wednesday 28 May 2014

Git: Just Getting Started, Barely Scratching the Surface

Scene: In my (precious-little) spare time, I'm working on Project Euler. I haven't done any proper mathematics since I left Uni >10 years ago (when_where I completed a Major in Pure Mathematics), so it's all feeling more than a little rusty. I'm also teaching myself Python and again working on projects bigger than 10-line infrastructure scripts, so it's a good [re-]learning experience.

So, 10 Euler Problems in, I'm realising that certain patterns recur in the Problems, and it will make my life *a lot* easier if I use modules & descriptive functions names, and create reusable code. I am also realising that I strongly need source code control - I've only ever really used Subversion (which I did quite like, but never really used many advanced features), but why not throw another log on my bonfire of learning? So additionally learning Git it is.

Topics covered:

I plan to cover off:
  • Creating a new Git master/shared repo based on an existing unmanaged set of files [source code] from a client machine
  • Create some cloned repos
  • Basic file checkins.
Things I know are missing from this post:
  • Branching in Git
  • Multi-master push/pull stuff (which Git was truly built for)
  • Updating your local client's repo from the main shared repo which someone else has updated (which I think is called "rebasing" in Git-land)
  • Anything else not-completely-basic
  • All steps below assume use of Linux/*nix - please adjust Windows/Other commands as you require
  • Access from your client machines' user accounts to a shared host via ssh (ssh access from client->server)
As per previous blog entries, this is less about education on the topic as a whole, and more about recording the steps so that I can do it again. This probably deserves an extra warning: you may well not learn anything in this post that isn't better documented elsewhere. Also, I'm not really a Developer, so again, there are probably better examples to follow elsewhere. That said, I haven't seen this particular steps/combo in my explorations, so I feel the need to record it.

Quick note: I'm using Git a bit like Subversion (ie single-master)

I know Git is fully decentralised source control, and I'm not using it in the best/most idiomatic way, but as an opening gambit I need to cocoon myself in the ideological constructs that I know already. So, we're going to construct a Git repo system setup in the way I used to use Subversion. The following steps will take a create a shared repo on a shared-access host that you can think of as a [master] subversion repo, and then use this repo as the central source of checkins and checkouts.

Step 0: Configure Git on all hosts (Shared and Client)

Make sure git is installed on all systems (run as root):
if [ `which yum` ] ; yum install -y git; fi
if [ `which apt-get` ] ; apt-get install -y git; fi

Configure your user account(s):
git config --global ""git config --global "My Name"

(I'm sure I'm missing other useful user info here, but the above info is minimally required for later commits).

Bonus extra step: configure user-wide git file excludes (ie: tell git to permanently ignore certain files/types/directories when assessing the checkin status of a working directory). This helps to ignore temporary/overwritten/cache files.

# Create a global "ignore" file in your homedir. This is minimal file based on what has annoyed me so far - see references below for better ideas
cat ~/.gitignore_global > <<EOF
# Python Byte-compiled / Optimised / DLL files


git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
Guide on creating Ignore files :
A lot of pre-configured Ignore files:

Step 1: Create a "Master" Shared Repo

Create a Shared Repo on a shared server ("SharedHost01") that you have ssh access to. I have run this command on SharedHost01 itself - there may be other ways to do this.

cd ~
mkdir projectName.git
cd projectName.git
git init --bare

Step 2: Create a Client Repo (from Existing Content)

This step can probably be done better - eg skip the copy step and clone straight from master over the top of existing - I have no idea of the semantics of overwrite behaviour, I was just being overly cautious because I didn't want to lose my existing code!

This step is run on your client machine ("ClientHost01"), that has existing content you suddenly realise that you need to manage.
 Assumption:  existing project is in directory "~/projectName", so parent dir is ~.

# Create a backup of the original code in case we get this wrong
cd ~
mv projectName{,.orig}
mkdir projectName
cd projectName
# Now we pull down a blank project from Shared Host
git clone user@shareHost:projectName/
# Copy in the existing code
cp -rp ../projectName.orig/* .
# Add all content (aside from the globally-ignored files from Step 0...)
git add .
# Check it into you local on-machine repo
git commit -m "Initial ProjectName checkin, with existing codebase"
# Now push this "new" code back to the Shared Host
git push origin master

Step 3: Set Up a Second Client Repo

cd ~
mkdir projectNamecd projectName
# Now we pull down a the initial code we just checked in
git clone user@shareHost:projectName/

And that's it for now - the baove has pretty much worked for me so far, so here's hoping I haven't got it horribly wrong. :)

Other References:

I have used several pages from this guide:


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